Year 1 2024 - 2025
Class Teachers -
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Mrs Moloney | Mrs Moloney |
Mrs Moloney (Mrs Morris - alternate Wednesday afternoons) |
Mrs Morris | Mrs Morris |
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Balden and Miss Davidson.
Spring Term 2025
Teaching Little Wandle phonics continues to be a priority in Year 1. Children are assessed on a regular basis and these results allow teachers to closely match their reading ability to Little Wandle reading books. Chidren then read in Guided Reading groups during the school week and also take home an individual reading book to share with parents/carers. In addition to this, children also have access to the Guided Reading text (already shared in school) in the form of an e-book which parents can access online. Finally, all children choose a Reading for Pleasure text from the class library to share at home with family. Individual reading books will be changed once a week on a Thursday (the day may vary from time to time) and the children will receive support when changing their own reading book during the book change session. E-books are also changed weekly.
Individual reading books should be read at home up to 3 times, but ideally more than once. This encourages fluency and pace which is an integral part of the reading process. Please ask your child questions about what they have read to support their comprehension skills. Reading together should be a fun, pleasant activity so go ahead and take turns reading pages, chat about what is happening on each page and play games, such as spot the word and finish the sentence. For more ideas, please don't hesitate to speak a Year 1 member of staff.
Please always record in your child's planner when you have read with your child. Thank you.
Phonics Screening Check (Summer Term)
Week commencing: Monday 9th June to Friday 13th June 2025
Please ensure that you do not take your child out of school during this week.
Information on the Phonics Screening Check was communicated in the Autumn term Meet the Teacher meeting. If you were unable to make this meeting, please see the link for the PowerPoint below. Further information will also be communicated closer to the time. Alternatively, please don't hesitate to speak to a member of the Year 1 team if you have any questions.
English: Throughout the Spring Term Year 1 will continue to be exposed to many different text types and genres, writing for different purposes and audiences following Literacy Tree. The following texts and focusses will be covered in the Spring term:
Beguu by Alexis Deacon Descriptions, commands, letters, nonsense-word dictionary, poems, non-fiction reports ------------------------------- The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett Thought and speech bubbles, diaries, letter, certificates --------------------------------- |
Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish by Michael Foreman Letters, setting descriptions, instructions, narrative retellings, pamphlets, posters --------------------------------- The Seasaw by Tom Percival |
Writing in role, notes of advice, missing posters, diary entries, letters of thanks
Maths: Place Value (within 20 then within 50), Addition and Subtraction (within 20), Length and Height and Mass and Volume.
Science: Materials: Why do we use different mateials for different things? and Seasonal Changes: Why does the weather change through the Winter/Spring?
History: Local study of Nantwich.
Geography: The Local Area.
RE: How do Christians know how to care for others?
PSHE: Washing, Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Comparisons and Managing Online Information.
Art: Simple Printmaking
D&T: Freestanding Structures
Music: Get On Board and Changes
Computing: Moving a Robot and Grouping Data
Modern Foreign Languages (MfL): French: Dans ma ville (In my town)
PE: Dance, Netball, Gymnastics and Hockey
PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure that PE kits are in school and stored in a drawstring kit bag so that it can be hung on your child's peg. Please ensure that ALL items are clearly named. We will send kits home at the end of each half term for washing and checking.
Autumn Term 2024
English The following texts and focusses will be covered in the Autumn term:
Cave Baby by Julia Donaldson and Emily Gravett Narrative retellings Labels and captions, informal letters ------------------------------- Astro Girl by Ken Wilson-Max Fact files about being astronauts Writing in role, commands, ‘how to’ guides --------------------------------- |
I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen Story sequels Questions, speech bubbles, letters, lists --------------------------------- Send for a Superhero by Michael Rosen & Katharine McEwan |
Own version superhero narratives Wanted posters, letters, speech bubbles, diaries, emails, character descriptions
Maths: Place value (within 10) and Addition and subtraction (within 10).
Science: Animals including humans – How can we group animals? and Seasonal changes – Why does the weather change during the Autumn?
History: Who Reigns?
Geography: School and playground.
RE: What do people believe about God? How are people special? How and why do people celebrate Christmas?
PSHE: Rules and Responsibilities, Keeping safe and Family and Friends.
Art: Spirals
D&T: Mechanisms (Slides and levers)
Music: Tell me a story and Fireworks and Fantasy.
Computing: Technology Around Us and Digital Painting.
Modern Foreign Languages (MfL): French: Recap Comptines etc chansons (Nursery Rhymes) and Des Petites-Betes (Minibeasts)
PE: Tag rugby, Football and Sports Hall Athletics.
Reading - See information above.
Individual homework linked to class learning will be sent on a homework grid for the half term.
Class Authors:
Spring Term - Oliver Jeffers
We are looking for book donations for each of our class authors. If you have any unwanted or duplicate copies written by the following authors, please send them in for us to add to our class library.
Nick Butterworth
Oliver Jeffers
Rachel Bright
'Favourite Reads' Book
Look out for the ‘Class 1’s favourite reads’book.
Each week we will choose a new child to take the book home and add their favourite story to the collection. This will act like a recommendation to others in the class, so make sure you enjoy reading back what other children have added to the book before you.
It will come home on a THURSDAY and needs returning by WEDNESDAY so that we can share it and pass it on.
We wish you a very happy 2025 with your children.
Mrs Morris, Mrs Moloney, Mrs Balden and Miss Davidson