What we get up to
We share with you a Topic Overview every few weeks, to let you know the kinds of things we are getting upto in our setting! We are not expecting you to complete the activities at home, we're just letting you know what we are teaching and covering. We know children more often than not come home and tell you they've done 'nothing' all day! So this way, you know they are busy doing lots of different activities and learning lots of new thing!
We have a 2 year rolling curriculum, to ensure that those children who are with us from 3 years old cover new and exciting Topics over their time with us.
Our Spring 1 Learning will be winter themed! Let's hope we have some more snow in the new year!
We are going to learn through the stories 'Over and Under the Snow' and 'Say Hello to the Snowy Animals.' Below is an overview of the kinds of things we are going to be doing in our play and small group acitivities.
We are then excited to have 3 art based weeks! We have 3 lovely books which we will base all of our learning around. We will explore colour mixing and then use the book Beautiful Opps to turn paint splodges and other simple tricks with paper and crafts into art work! The children will also build on their artistic skills and at the same time develop their motor control through the story Lines that Wiggle, this will also support them getting ready for writing!
We will also celebrate Chinese New Year, Pancake Day and have Acts of Kindness Days, where we will talk about love and being kind and caring to those around us.
We will continue to have PE lessons on a Tuesday so please make sure footwear is appropriate!
Spring 2
Watch this space!