Our Academy

Name of Academy Trust-: Stapeley Broad Lane CE Primary School

Trading Address:

Broad Lane





Registered in England and Wales 

Company Number 08445776


In April 2013, we converted to academy status, meaning we get our funding direct from the Education Funding Agency along with a number of other "freedoms".

One of these freedoms means that we don't have to follow the National Curriculum, but are able to develop our own. In reality, our pupils will sit National tests based on the new curriculum and will transfer to the same High Schools as those in maintained schools. We, therefore, follow the English and mathematics elements of the National Curriculum, but are more creative with the content and progression of the other subjects.

As an academy, we have to publish certain information throughout the financial year and must lodge our accounts with Companies House. We have a Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State; lease the land from East Cheshire Borough Council (for a peppercorn rent) and have a Supplemental Ageement with Chester Diocese to use the buildings for educational purposes.

Our Chair of governors is a trustee of the academy; a further trustee is nominated by the Diocese and three other trustees who together ensure the school benefits from effective strategic direction, ethical governance, stakeholder engagement and organisational growth. 

In addition, as an academy, we have to publish the End of Year accounts for the past two years on our website.


There are no employees or payees with off-payroll arrangements over £100,000.

Click here to view the Scheme of Delegation

Please see below for policies that relate to Trust activities. 


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Let's connect

Stapeley Broad Lane
C of E Primary School

Broad Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 7QL

Headteacher | Jen Holden

